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Как будет работать новое приложение от Home Office по биометрике (IDV)

Как будет работать новое приложение от Home Office по биометрике (IDV)

>>> The New Home Office Identity Verification App (IDV) application pre-relese insight for Legal Representatives

From the Home Office:

"The IDV app will work and highlights that it will not change the way your members work.

I can confirm that all documents uploaded via the UKVCAS website will be attached to the application on the IDV app.  Your members will not need to repeat the upload.
The IDV app is quick and easy to use for all age groups/nationalities.  Users are guided in easy steps to take photos in the right format to submit to UKVI. 

We hope that you and your members will encourage eligible applicants to use the IDV app."

Immigration advisers or third-party representatives - the UKVCAS Identity Verification app

You may have heard that UKVI is changing the way it processes applications in response to COVID-For some customers, this involves reusing biometrics (fingerprints and photograph) that have been recorded in a previous application as part of the process to verify identity, consider applications and/or produce a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).  See for details.

To allow biometrics to be reused, UKVI and UKVCAS have worked together to develop a way to submit facial images using a new UKVCAS Identity Verification App (IDV app)

The IDV app is quick and easy to use for all age groups/nationalities. Users are guided in easy steps to take photos in the right format to submit to UKVI.

What’s changed?

The IDV app has been introduced to allow the applicant to take a photo of themselves and their travel documentation to verify their identity and allow UKVI to reuse biometrics.
Immigration Lawyers and third-party representatives can continue to upload documents for their clients via the UKVCAS website. 

If your client has been asked to use the IDV app, they will simply need to take a photo a) of themselves and b) of their travel documentation.

All the mandatory and optional documents you have previously uploaded via the UKVCAS website on their behalf will be available and attached to the application. 

You will not need to repeat the upload.

All uploaded documents will be visible on the IDV app and will be submitted by the applicant after they have verified their ID (by providing photos) on the IDV app. 

Applicants just need to follow the simple instructions on the IDV app to ensure the photos are in the right format for UKVI.
However, should you or the applicant choose to upload more documents, you and they will be able to do it from the IDV app itself or from the UKVCAS website.

What do you need to do?

You just need to ask applicants to log into the IDV app and to take a photo (of their face and of their travel document) and to click ‘submit’ on the IDV app. This then submits their entire application to UKVI

Please note.  There is also a document upload function for applicants that do not use an immigration adviser or representative.  This enables them to upload mandatory and optional documents as well as their photos and to submit them to UKVI."


  • Появился первый Guidance по IDV (biomertic re-use application and the process).

    См. документ здесь:

    Пояснение в видео ролике здесь:
  • Сегодня несколько клиентов получили приглашение на IDV App и уже сдали биометрику (ID Verification) через приложение. Проблем в принципе не было.

    В одном случае liveliness check один из клиентов делал 2 раза.
  • Кстати, те кто получил приглашение на сдачу биометрики через IDV App, так же могут взять слот как раньше через сайт Sopra Steria для сдачи биометрики в том или ином центре Sopra Steria.

    Вот, сегодня, в воскресенье, 23-08-2020 г. смотрел слоты для клиентки с юга Великобритании. Слоты были хоть на следующий день:

  • From the Sopra Steria in relation to the IDV Application use/rollout:

    “With regard to timescales, we have been rolling out the IDV app in phases, working in date order from the earliest to the most recent, based on the registration date to UKVI.  It took us a little longer than expected to prepare the system for 'Group Applicants' which meant that some cases were delayed, but this has now been resolved. 

    We expect to send out invites to ALL eligible IDV applicants who registered with UKVI and UKVCAS up to 31 July 2020 by 7 September 2020.  We are also on track to send out invites by 14 September 2020 to IDV applicants who registered with UKVI during August 2020. 

    This checklist on the IDV application / Sopra Steria web-site use:

    • The applicant uploads all documents for customer using the UKVCAS website 
    • The applicant downloads IDV app to own device
    • The applicant completes the ‘selfie’ photo, liveness check and photo of travel document
    • The applicant submits application to UKVI on the IDV app 
    • The applicant then logs out of the IDV app 
    • The application process is complete “
  • From the UK BA, 09 September 2020:

    >>> IDV application

    The IDV app successfully launched on 17th August and so far 44,250 people have been invited to use it, 32,364 people have used it and it has a satisfaction score of 4.31/5.

    UKVI are continuing to work through the backlog of in-country extension applications, offering them the opportunity to use the app and invitations continue to be sent to eligible customers.

    Finally, there is a request from the Government for a Call to Evidence that will help inform an Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy.

    If you are interested in responding please use this link:
  • А вот и первые решения начали приходить после использования IDV App.

    - Заявление: AN (гражданство)

    - IDV App: ID Verification сделано 29 августа 2020 года

    - Решение: Naturalization approved - пришло сегодня, 14 сентября 2020 года

  • Была у меня такая депрессия, что только молитвы спасали и давали сил идти на работу. Я очень долго мучилась от одиночества, знаете, такое чувство, что ты никому не нужен на этой планете, но почему так я не понимала. Я очень грамотная, красивая женщина и вдруг так не везёт. Обращалась к психологам, но те говорили, что мне нужно уметь выходить из зоны своего комфорта и всё. Подумала, что может мне сможет помочь  ясновидящая и позвонила Анике.  Сначала Аника мне сделала диагностику, только после этого решилась мне помочь. И помогла. Через месяц я познакомилась с одним интересным мужчиной. И надеюсь на продолжительные отношения. У нее есть пост про твой случай, зайди почитай, там много полезной информации можешь найти, а если тебе нужна помощь, то звони ей, договаривайтесь о встречи, только это её личный номер, но думаю с такой проблемой она тебя выслушает +380632370501.
  • "Не прошло и пол-года"...

    Прощай, IDV App ?

    Apparently, the IDV app is now finished, according to the following formal statement:

    "Return to normal UKVCAS service

    We are delighted to let you know that the normal UKVCAS service will resume on 21 September 2020. This means that UKVCAS customers will be able to book an appointment at a UKVCAS Service Point as soon as they register with UKVCAS and no longer need to wait to receive an invitation email from us.

    From 21 September onwards, ALL customers will need to book an appointment at one of our Service Points. The IDV app will only be available to some T4 students."
  • Не прошло и недели, как вышеуказанное сообщение исчезло с сайта UK BA.

    И теперь речь идет о продолжении работы IDV App как ни в чем не бывало:

    " Update about the IDV app

    The IDV app has been successfully rolled out over the last five weeks to deal with the delays caused by COVID-19. We are now fully up to speed and are successfully submitting thousands of applications each day to UKVI.
    • All customers who are eligible for biometric reuse and registered with UKVCAS up to 18 September 2020 will have received an invitation from us to download and use the IDV app by 23 September 2020.
    • After you have submitted your application on the IDV app, all supporting information is sent to UKVI within 24 hours.
    • UKVCAS cannot provide any status updates about your application once it has been submitted to UKVI.
    • The unprecedented impact of COVID-19 means that UKVI are unable to maintain their usual service standards for all applications made in the UK. UKVI understands that this means some applicants are waiting longer for a decision.
    • If you urgently need a decision about your visa, please contact UKVI here."
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