С октября 2018 можно будет подавать заявления в UK BA без оригиналов документов
***** С октября 2018 можно будет подавать заявления в UK BA без оригиналов документов *****
Цитата из моего новостного треда, выношу отдельно, т.к. новость довольно интересная и важная :
“New streamlined service” for in-country applications announced: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sopra-steria-has-been-awarded-a-new-ukvi-contract?utm_source=7fafc1b1-9e17-49c7-8770-2884427d1572&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate
Interesting development on in-country applications. A new service delivered by outsourcing firm Sopra Steria will see supporting information processed at local libraries rather than people having to post it in with their application:
“Under the new arrangements people using the service will be able to submit biometric information including photos, fingerprints, and signatures and their supporting evidence at a single appointment. The evidence will then be copied and sent to UKVI, meaning that people won’t have to hand over important documents, such as passports, whilst the applications are processed.”.
The contract is widely seen as part of the preparations for registering over three million EU citizens and their families for settled status after Brexit. It will begin in October 2018.
Цитата из моего новостного треда, выношу отдельно, т.к. новость довольно интересная и важная :
“New streamlined service” for in-country applications announced: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sopra-steria-has-been-awarded-a-new-ukvi-contract?utm_source=7fafc1b1-9e17-49c7-8770-2884427d1572&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate
Interesting development on in-country applications. A new service delivered by outsourcing firm Sopra Steria will see supporting information processed at local libraries rather than people having to post it in with their application:
“Under the new arrangements people using the service will be able to submit biometric information including photos, fingerprints, and signatures and their supporting evidence at a single appointment. The evidence will then be copied and sent to UKVI, meaning that people won’t have to hand over important documents, such as passports, whilst the applications are processed.”.
The contract is widely seen as part of the preparations for registering over three million EU citizens and their families for settled status after Brexit. It will begin in October 2018.
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