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Coronavirus - ситуация с визами - новости

Возникла ситуация, когда есть иммиграционная виза в Великобританию, а прилететь не получается, т.е. из-за коронавируса отменены все рейсы.

Home Office дал автоматическое продление виз/BRP гражданам Китая, чьи визы заканчиваются в том случае, если эти лица находятся в Великобритании.

Но что же делать тем кто, например, получил визу жены и не может въехать в Великобританию из Украины (все рейсы отменяются с 17 марта 2020 года). Как известно, рабочие, студенческие и др. иммиграционные визы выдаются на период в 30 дней для въезда в Великобританию, чтобы потом, на территории Великобритании, забрать долгосрочную BRP карточку.

Пока никакой информации из Home Office нет.

По мере поступления информации я буду выкладывать ее здесь.

Legal Centre продолжает работать 7 дней в неделю:

Если есть срочный вопрос, можете перезвонить по тел. +443300010342 или по Viber/WhatsApp: +447791145923. Skype: immigration_lawyer

Антон Коваль

Legal Centre


  • Вот ссылка на сайт Home Office с информацией по коронавирусу:

    Пока только благоприятные условия для, как упоминалось выше, граждан Китая...
  • Вот, и Sopra Steria уже целую неделю ЗАРАНЕЕ предупреждает об осторожности с Coronavirus:


    Только что брал слот на сдачу биометрики клиентке на следующий понедельник в Лондоне.

    Вчера брали слот другой клиентке в Шотландии на эту субботу.

    Пока слоты есть.
  • COVID19 and the Home Office - Immigration

    A bit of "fun" today - messages from Sopra Steria first cancelling the client's biometric and then sending the email to say that we need to ignore the previous Email (Central London Premium Lounge):

    EMAIL 1

    Dear Applicant,

    Due to Library closures initiated by Local Authorities, your UKVI appointment has been postponed. We have reallocated you a new appointment in approximately 6 weeks from your current booking date.

    Your new appointment date and time will be available to view via your UKVI account within the next 24 to 48 hrs.

    Please log into your UKVI account after the above date period to view your new appointment.

    Should your allocated location remain closed beyond your new appointment date, we will look to reallocate you to a further date should this occur. Please continue to monitor your email and online account for further updates to your booking.

    If the appointment offered is not suitable, you will be able to cancel this appointment via the online booking system, however please note that you will be required to rebook an alternative appointment through the online booking system by selecting an alternative date and location.
    Due to the high number of postponed appointments, we are unable to guarantee alternative appointment availability or look to reschedule appointments via our helpline. This can only be done through the online booking system.

    Sopra Steria and your Local Authority Libraries are continuously following advice from the Government to ensure public safety. We appreciate that during this time of uncertainty, your visa application may be delayed. We assure you that we are working closely with the Home Office to inform them of any delays to your application process.
    Yours sincerely
    UKVCAS Customer Services



    Please ignore previous email. All appointments in Mark Lane Premium Lounge today will be going ahead
    Yours sincerely
    UKVCAS Customer Services

    The UKVAC's response to the client's query in relation on what to do - the EC (Appendix FM) is expiring during the flight ban:

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    Thank you for contacting UK Visas and Immigration International Contact Centre.

    With regards to your enquiry, I am sorry, there is no official information about your enquiry, but you can follow the UK official web site - Coronavirus (COVID-19).

    In theory, you will not get a refund if your visa application is successful but you do not come to the UK,

    Vignette transfer usually delays your entry period by another 3 months,

    Alternatively, if you wish, you can go through a complaint procedure via the link below, visit

    UK Visas and Immigration
  • 23 March 2020 - Part 2 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145023 (WhatsApp/Viber)

    >>> Coronavirus and UK Immigration Update

    First Tier Tribunal

    The Fisrt Tier Tribunal (FTT IAC) is currently processing the adjournment of cases from Wednesday, the 25th March, onwards, and notifying lawyers and appellants of the same.

    Subject Access Requests (SARS)

    These can now only be made by email and only electronic records will be provided.

    From the UK BA:

    "With immediate effect, following the Government’s recent advice, we have instructed all staff to work from home if they can.

    This means we can only process SARS made online and provide data held in electronic records (no Home Office Files can be processed). We are not able to process postal requests or correspondence until further notice.


    VFS Global updates can be found here:

    Message from Sopra Steria - biometrics enrollments are still operational - yet follow the web-site

    "It is important we share updates as quick as possible and given the recent announcements by HM Government I am writing to explain how these changes may affect our services and what we are doing to meet these unprecedented challenges.

    We continue to monitor the well-being of our agents; to support the safety of applicants using our centres and to assess the performance of our operations to deliver appointment availability by minimizing any potential disruption to our service. As part of these regular daily reviews we are updating our UKVCAS website with important information on a daily basis regarding appointment capacity, which may include sites closures across our network for defined periods."
  • UKVCAS Sites Closure Status:

    These are the smaller biometrics enrollment points in the UK for the purpose of the UK Immigration Applications.

    The core centres seem to be working fine.
  • Visas extended util the 31st May 2020 for those currently unable to return home due to COVID-19 :

    Обратите внимание на выделенную фразу, а именно КОМУ будут продлеваться визы автоматом и ДЛЯ ЧЕГО. Чуда не произошло.

    И поэтому :

    "Those who contact the Home Office for these visa extensions will be expected to return to their home countries as soon as possible once flight and border restrictions are lifted."

    То есть для тех, кто здесь по рабочей визе, супружеской визе, подает на продление, ПМЖ и т.п. - должны подавать стандартные заявления.

    В то же время, временно разрешен нестандартный переход с визы на визу, без выезда из UK:

    "People can apply to switch routes, such as from Tier 4 (student) to Tier 2 (General Worker), whilst remaining in the UK. UKVI will continue to process applications as quickly as possible, however some applications may take longer than usual due to COVID-19 related operational pressures."

    Детальный анализ - завтра.
  • Детальная информация по текущий ситуации, т.н. "Guidance":

    В дополнение к вчерашней новости вот этот пункт вызывает интерес, т.к. в период до 31 мая 2020 года разрешает переход на иммиграционную категорию без выезда за пределы Великобритании:

    "If you’re applying to stay in the UK long-term

    During these unique circumstances you’ll be able to apply from the UK to switch to a long-term UK visa until 31 May. This includes applications where you would usually need to apply for a visa from your home country.

    You’ll need to meet the same visa requirements and pay the UK application fee.

    This includes those whose leave has already been automatically extended to 31 March 2020.

    You can apply online. The terms of your leave will remain the same until your application is decided."

    Но, как всегда, нет четкости и списка кому это можно сделать. Например, подразумевается что возможно перейти с гостевой визы на визу жены британца или рабочую визу, или студенческую визу, или визу престарелого родителя и т.п.
  • Немного более детализированная информация из Home Office:

    - Заявления внутри Великобритании:

    - Заявления за пределами Великобритании:
  • Life in the UK Test Centres closure announcement:

    "COVID-19: Important Information for Candidates

        Life in the UK Test centres will be closed in line with official requirements of the UK Government from 21 March until 13 April 2020 as a precautionary measure against coronavirus (COVID-19) to help protect the health of test takers and staff .

        If you have booked a test to take place during this period, your test booking will be rescheduled automatically to a date after 13 April 2020.

        If you are booking a new test, test dates are still available from 13 April 2020".
  • Visas and immigration Service and Support Centres have been closed until further notice:

    These centres would usually accept a face-to-face appointment for the FLR(FP) and Human Rights applications.

    Part of the Sopra Steria biomertics enrolment centers are still accepting the biometrics enrollments via their main core centres around the UK:
  • Только что подал заявление клиента на гражданство, AN.

    Взял биометрический слот ему на следующий вторник, 31 марта 2020 года.

    Открыты только основные биометрические центры, т.е. Лондон, Бирмингем, Кройдон и некоторые другие.

    Слоты в основном есть начиная с 06 апреля 2020 года.

    Делюсь информацией.
  • 27 March 2020 - Part 2 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145023 (WhatsApp/Viber)

    >>> Visa decision waiting times: applications outside the UK:

    Due to the operational impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), most of the UK’s visa applications centres are currently closed. All visa decision waiting times will be delayed until further notice.

    The ‘priority service’ and ‘super priority service’ are suspended for applications made outside the UK.
  • >>> The UKVCAS service - Sopra Steeria UK biometrics enrolments suspended:

    How Does this Affect Me?

    Customers with Existing Appointments

    If you already have an existing appointment, you do not have to do anything. UKVCAS will automatically reschedule your appointment. Initially appointments will be rescheduled for 6 weeks ahead of your original appointment. Please monitor your UKVCAS account to find out when your new appointment has been scheduled for.

    If you can’t make the rescheduled appointment, you can cancel this online and receive a full refund. However, you will not be able to rebook until the online booking system reopens.

    Alternatively, you can wait until the online booking system reopens when you will be able to see all available appointments.

    Please regularly check this website for updates on the service status.

    New Customers

    New customers are being asked to register your account as normal at our website. You will receive a prompt to register, from the ‘Book your Appointment’ link on the UKVI pages of GOV.UK.

    Please regularly check this website for further updates on the service status.

    Impact on Visa Applications

    UKVI has now issued guidance that all foreign nationals whose permission to stay in the UK expired from 24th January 2020 may access a visa extension until 31st May 2020 therefore you will not be disadvantaged in any way due to the COVID-19 crisis.

    >>> UK BA Coronavirus immigration update

    The Home Office points out the following:

        - Applicants are advised to use Email when communicating with the Coronavirus Immigration Team, as that is where they have greater resources as staff can work from home. This way they can prioritize the helpline for the most vulnerable individuals.
        - Leave to remain extensions - the Home Office will be issuing specific further guidance for the applications during the COVID19 period
      - Right to work checks can be conducted via Skype - the Guidance is yet to be published
        - The requirement to enrol biometrics within 45 days has been waived and this will be confirmed in guidance
        - Where an application is submitted without SELT or a Life in the UK test, the application won't be rejected as invalid. Again, there will be guidance on this issue. Applications can be made in order to protect 3C leave, and the UK BA will put the application on hold until they are able to do so
  • >>>Иностранный медперсонал и члены их семей получат автоматическое бесплатное продление виз на 1 год + освобождение от оплаты т.н. NHS Surcharge:


    "Doctors, nurses and paramedics with visas due to expire before 1 October 2020 will have them automatically extended for one year.

    As part of the national effort to combat coronavirus, doctors, nurses and paramedics will automatically have their visas extended, free of charge, for one year.

    The extension, announced today (31 March) by the Home Secretary Priti Patel, will apply to around 2,800 migrant doctors, nurses and paramedics, employed by the NHS whose visa is due to expire before 1 October.

    The extension will also apply to their family members, demonstrating how valued overseas NHS staff are to the UK."
  • >>> Home Office наконец объеденил всю информацию по COVID19 в отношении иммиграциии на одной странице:

    The Home Office is now collating its guidance for those affected by changes to UK immigration and borders due to coronavirus on a dedicated page.

    >>> Информация о том, как и запросить бумажную анкету для получения EU Settled Status в случаях, когда невозможно подать заявление через мобильный телефон (Zambrano, Surninder Singh и т.п.) во время COVID19

    To request a paper application form for the EUSS, you need to submit a query via the online enquiry form at ensuring you provide the following information relating to the applicant:

    -Full Name (as shown on identity document)
    -Date of Birth
    -Telephone number
    -Postal address
    -Email address
    -Details of your representative (name, email, phone number if applicable)
    -Reference number of any previous residence document issued to you

    The Home Office cannot accept any documents by post at this time, but all documents already sent will be returned as quickly as possible. Applications can still be made online using the “EU Exit ID Document check app”.

    >>> Заявления на получение спонсорских лицензий по категории Tier 2, Tier 4 и Tier 5 теперь можно подать по Email (раньше - только по почте и только оригиналы)

    Correspondence from UKVI re sponsor licence applications and submission sheets - digital copies

    The Coronavirus Immigration Team has confirmed that original documents are not required for sponsor submission sheets and sponsor licence applications. They can be sent as scanned .pdf files via email. Digital signatures are also acceptable at present for submission sheets.
  • Сообщение Home Office во время подачи заявления сегодня:



    - Заявления подаются как и раньше online

    - Не рекомендуется использовать опцию Super Premium Service - рассмотрение за 24 часа, т.к. заявления будет рассматривать на данном этапе только по стандартному сценарию (6 месяцев)

    - Пока нельзя сдать биометрику т.к. соответствующие центры закрыты. Это не повлияет на поданное заявление

    Другими словами, иммиграционные заявления подаются как обычно, но с учетом особенностей ситуации во время COVID19
  • - Уточнение по визовым категориями Tier 2 (General) и Tier 1 (Entrepreneur).

    - Уточнение по волонтерсакой работе

    >>> COVID19 and the Home Office clarification for the following immigration issues:

    - Tier 2

    If you cannot pay the salaries of sponsored employees because you’ve temporarily reduced or ceased trading

    You can temporarily reduce the pay of your sponsored employees to 80% of their salary or £2,500 per month, whichever is the lower.

    Any reductions must be part of a company-wide policy to avoid redundancies and in which all workers are treated the same.

    These reductions must be temporary, and the employee’s pay must return to at least previous levels once these arrangements have ended

    - Tier 1 Entrepreneur

    If you are on a Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa and your business has been disrupted

    You no longer need to employ at least 2 people for 12 consecutive months each. The 12 month period you are required to employ someone for can be made up of multiple employees across different months.

    Time when your employees were furloughed will not count towards the 12 month period.

    If have not been able to employ staff for 12 months in total by the time your visa expires, you will be allowed to temporarily extend your stay to give you time to meet the requirement.

    - Changes to the current restrictions on the number of hours you can work or volunteer

    There is no longer a limit on the number of hours you can work or volunteer each week if you work for the NHS as a doctor, nurse of paramedic and you are a:

    tier 4 student
    tier 2 worker and your NHS job is a second job
    visiting academic researcher
    holder of a short-term visa and are permitted to volunteer
  • Теперь для связи с Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT) есть специальная online форма

    >>> The Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT) now has introduced an on-line form in order to contact them:

    The page has been updated with a workflow change, those requesting temporary extension need to complete the online form and the email address is now functioning as an information mailbox.

    И важное напоминание подавать вовремя заявления на переход с категории на категорию, продление статуса, получение ПМЖ и гражданства стандартным путем:

    If you already have leave in the UK and planned to extend your leave when it expires, you do not need to complete this form. Please continue to apply using the appropriate online application form.

    Из практического опыта.

    Сегодня (06-04-2020) до обеда подал следующие заявления клиентов:

    - Супружеская виза (из Белоруссии)

    - Продление визы жены

    - Натурализация

    Заявления принимаются стандартно online.

    Нет возможности выбрать ускоренное рассмотрение, т.е. есть только Standard Route (рассмотрение в течение 6-и месяцев).

    На биометрику нельзя записаться и, соответственно, нельзя загрузить документы. Остается ждать до тех пор, пока коммерческий партнер Home Office - Sopra Steria - снова начнет свою работу.

    Из разговора с коллегой из Home Office стало ясно, что со временем будет расти очередь из таких заявлений. И, соответственно, такие иммиграционные заявления будут рассматривать в порядке очередности, т.е first come, first served.
  • На данном этапе Home Office не рекомендует подавать оригиналы документов и можно будет послать копии т.е. Valuable documents (passports, BRP, Birth certificates).

    “Guidance re: paper applications

    The Euro, Settlement and the EU Settled Status Customer Resolution Centre currently informs that:

    "We  are still accepting paper applications although we are asking applicants not to  send  valuable documents -  we will ask  for anything  if  needed,  and this won’t  have  a detrimental impact on the application. We do  have a  skeleton staff in the office  to deal with paper applications (  following  all the guidance on social distancing)"

    The Home Office are looking at other which are yet to be announced."
  • Furloughing не является public funds

    Updated HMRC guidance on the Job Retention scheme tonight now says that the foreign nationals are eligible to be furloughed. Grants under the scheme are not counted as ‘access to public funds’, and you can furlough employees on all categories of visa:
  • >>> Home Office на следующей неделе сообщит, что делать тем, кто получил визы на 30 дней для въезда в UK но не смог въехать в UK

    From the UK BA:

    "To note, we have advice with the Home Sec at the moment about on the ongoing issue with 30 day vignettes, alongside the broader issue of foreign nationals overseas, with visas, but unable to travel to the UK. I’ll hopefully be able to update on that next week, we know there are still a lot of outstanding queries on those points.

    Так же должна появиться информация для тех, кто подал/подает заявления на данном этапе в Великобритании во время закрытия биометрических центров

    We also are looking at updated guidance for vulnerable customers in the UK, given the closures of UKVCAS. Will come back to you on that as well.   
    >>> Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for Tier 2, 4 and 5 sponsors :
  • Был вчера на 3+ часовом вебинаре ILPA. Тема: COVID 19 и иммиграция

    В принципе, практически те же вопросы/новости, что я публиковал раньше, за исключением этого:

    - Биометрические центры и/или центры по сдаче английского языка могут не открыться до июня 2020

    - В ближайшее время Home Office должен опубликовать детальные инструкции в отношение тех заявителей, кто должны подать/подали заявление без тестов по английскому языку и т.п. важным документам, т.к. тестовые центры закрыты из-за COVID19

  • Въезд в UK с просроченной визой из-за COVID19

    >>> COVID19 and Immigration update

    Have you got a 30 days vignette to enter the UK which has already expired ?

    In some cases the clients were able to enter the UK after their 30 days vignette expired. At the border the clients were provided with the lawyer's letter explaining the circumstances and the UK Immigration Services never had an issue with that and always accepted their delay.

    That said, these steps must be taken with acceptable of the potentially high risk that the airline may not allow the client to board the plane or even a different UK Immigration Office may not exercise discretion next time and admit the person into the UK.
  • А вот так выглядит письмо из Home Office с подтверждением того, что гостевая виза клиентки Legal Centre была продлена из-за COVID19.

    Теперь у той клиентки появилась возможность перейти с гостевой визы на визу жены британского гражданина без выезда их Великобритании.
  • - Уточнение по продлению виз для сотрудников NHS

    - Уточнение о продлении срока сохранения online анкет

    - Уточние по ситуации с просроченными 30-и дневными визами для въезда в UK

    >>> COVID19 and Immigration update

    Update from UKVI re 30-day entry vignettes - via ILPA

    From a senior UKVI official below on 30-day entry vignettes:

    “We are aware that due to the current circumstances a number of customers are in possession of a 30-day vignette which has now expired.  Unfortunately they are not permitted to travel on this vignette, and we are not able to confirm what action should be taken at this time.  However, please do be assured that we are working extremely hard on a solution which we will communicate as soon as possible.  We are sorry a more definitive reply cannot be given at this time."
    Please note that this information does not appear to be widely known by the Coronavirus Immigration Team, which had previously indicated to a different member that 30-day vignettes are being automatically extended. This issue will be raised to ensure the correct information is being given out.

    Application forms held open for longer

    On Friday 17 April 2020, UKVI Visas and Citizenship Stakeholder Engagement Team emailed to say:

    "Access UK is now holding applications for an increased period of 240 days. This will ensure applications remain live and valid, supporting enrolment of biometric data once services have resumed."

    The UKVI has provided further clarification on this issue:

    "We can confirm that the in-country application form is deleted from Access UK after 240 days, but if it is fully completed, paid for and submitted it is not deleted from our caseworking systems. It is also possible for the customer to save a copy as a pdf for their records.

    If the closure of VACs/UKVCAS centres last for more than 240 days, in cases where the application has been lodged the customer will be advised when they can enrol their bios. If they do not enrol within the timescales advised before any rejection takes place we will send a reminder and given them a further period to enrol.

    To ensure that customers can book an appointment after 240 days, they must register for their UKVCAS account when they complete their on-line application so that their account is activated and so that Sopra Steria can contact them when the service resumes."

    Automatic visa extension for the NHS workers - clarification

    On Friday 17 April, the UKVI webpage for current UK residents was updated with the following note:

    "Added link to Tier 2 worker guidance to explain that some NHS workers and their families will get their visas automatically extended because of coronavirus."

    This appears to be a change in policy suggesting that only Tier 2 workers benefit from the automatic extension for NHS staff, which was not set out when the policy was announced.
  • - Уточнение по возможности автоматического продления виз для сотрудников NHS не только по категории Tier 2 (General)

    - Особенности получения убежища во время COVID19

    >>> COVID19 and the new locations to claim asylum in the UK:

    Update on how and where to claim asylum in the UK during COVID19

    >>> COVID19 and the UK Immigration Update (via ILPA):

    ILPA participated in a call with the Home Office. The key points from the call are:

    - The Home Office has confirmed that, notwithstanding the confusing message given by updates to UKVI webpages on Friday 17 April, the automatic extension of leave to remain for doctors, nurses or paramedics working in the NHS is not limited to those on Tier 2 visas and does extend to other categories of leave. The Home Office advised that anyone who is eligible for the extension get in touch with their HR department, as the Home Office is asking individual trusts to notify them of those eligible.
  • Вчера участвовал в online конференции ILPA EEA Working Group.

    Из интересного для форума:

    - On-line заявления по EEA law продолжают рассматриваться (т.е. EU Settled Scheme/Pre-Settled Scheme), case-workers работают

    - Paper applications (Zambrano, Surinder Singh) - по словам главы EU отделения Home Office у них остался т.н. Skeleton Staff, поэтому здесь они работают как могут

    В то же время я лично обратил внимание на то, что заявления на гражданство так же продолжают рассматривать (отделы EU & Naturalization находиться в г. Ливерпуль в одном здании).

    Например, в эту среду, 22 апреля 2020 года я подал 2 заявления на гражданство клиентов Tier 1 Investor, мама (заявление AN) и ее сын (заявление MN1).

    И вот буквально через день уже получили т.н. Certificate of Application (CoA), что заявление клиентов рассматриваются.

  • Хорошие новости для тех, кто получил иммиграционную визу для въезда в UK (обычно на 30 дней), но не смог въехать по ней из-за COVID19

    >>> If your 30 day visa to work, study or join family has expired and you could not travel into the UK due to COVID19:

    If your 30 day visa to work, study or join family has expired

    If your 30 day visa to travel to the UK for work, study or to join family has expired, or is about to expire, you can request a replacement visa with revised validity dates free of charge until the end of this year.

    To make a request, contact the Coronavirus Immigration Help Centre ( You’ll need to include your name, nationality, date of birth and your GWF reference number with ‘REPLACEMENT 30 DAY VISA’ in the subject line. If you’ve already contacted us about this, please let us know in your email.

    You will be contacted when our VACs reopen to arrange for a replacement visa to be endorsed in your passport.

    You will not be penalized for being unable to collect your BRP while coronavirus measures are in place.

    This process will be in place until the end of 2020.

    Note that this does not cover visit visas.

    UK visa centres abroad are closed so the replacement wwill not be issued until they reopen.
  • Грядут задержки в рассмотрении заявления по EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS)

    30 April 2020 – Just useful and interesting UK & EEA Immigration Law news and updates from the Legal Centre – Open 7 days a week - - +44(0)3300010342, +44(0)7791145023 (WhatsApp/Viber)

    >>> COVID19 update - EU Settlement Scheme

    Expect delays in decision-making.

    The Home Office minister Kevin Foster wrote to campaigners earlier saying that “applications to the EUSS continue to be processed, but during this challenging time they will take longer than usual to process”.
  • Уточниение по автомаическому продлению виз для "сотрудников NHS"

    Amendments to Home Office policy on automatic NHS extensions

    The Home Secretary wrote to the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee to set out that it was partially extending its policy on automatic NHS extensions to other types of staff. The press release states:

    "Frontline workers, including midwives, radiographers, social workers and pharmacists, with visas due to expire before 1 October 2020 will receive an automatic one-year extension. It will apply to those working both in the NHS and independent sector and include their family members.

    ...Any NHS workers who have paid for an unresolved application will be offered the option of a refund.

    The Home Secretary has also confirmed family members and dependants of healthcare workers who sadly pass away as result of contracting the virus will be offered immediate indefinite leave to remain."
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