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UK BA: Можете подавать заявления без анкет

UK BA: Можете подавать заявления без анкет (EU law, EEAFM, EEAPR и т.п.):

According to the UK BA, the applicants may not need to complete the EEA law (EEAFM, EEAQP, EEAPR etc) applicaion forms:

"Persons applying for a document confirming a right of residence under EU law may use the
relevant form as set out above.

However, applicants do not have to use these forms and an application for any of the
documents mentioned above must not be refused because it has not been made on the appropriate form.

A letter asking for a document to be issued, or an application made on one of the previous
forms (see below) is acceptable, provided the applicant:

- submits the specified fee with the application
- gives their biometric information, if they are a non-EEA national applying on or after 6 April 2015".
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