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  • Еще 3 заявления клиентов были одобрены Home Office сегодня.

    > UK Spouse Visa extension application (approved in 1 day)
    > UK Spouse Settlement (ILR) application (approved in 1 day)
    > Graduate Route application (approved in 2 weeks)

    Делюсь ежедневной статистикой одобрений заявлений клиентов.


  • Еще одна клиентка стала британской гражданкой.

    Заявление на натурализацию одобрили за 2.5 месяца.

    Делюсь статистикой ежедневных одобрений заявлений клиентов.

    Присоединяйтесь :-)

  • 17 July 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Home Office New Commercial partners for processing visa applications

    For the UK –TLS Contact. Due to be introduced in Autumn 2024 (Move from Sopra Steria)
    Overseas – VFS.

    VFS now has the contract for worldwide. For 58 countries, this will mean no change, but 83 new countries added to service. Due to be introduced between October 2024 to early 2025.
    Possibly will mean new VAC locations in most countries.
    No actual date as yet, phased transition.

    >>> Home Office is now routinely confirming that the Skilled Worker may work for other Employers for up to 20 hours a week.

    Quoting the Home Office:

    “You are also allowed to take supplementary employment, namely work outside your normal working hours for your sponsor of up to 20 hours per week with another employer. This must be in an occupation which is eligible for the Skilled Worker route”,

  • 18 July 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Court of Appeal resolves ambiguity about assumed dependency in EU Settlement Scheme: Secretary of State for the Home Department v Rexhaj [2024] EWCA Civ 784 (11 July 2024) (

    >>> The court has held that a parent granted a family permit under the EU Settlement Scheme based on assumed dependency must show actual dependency to get leave to remain when applying after 1 July 2021. That decision is Secretary of State for the Home Department v Rexhaj [2024] EWCA Civ 784.
    The effect of this decision is that anyone who was granted a family permit on the basis of assumed dependency who after 1 July 2021 applied or is applying for leave under Appendix EU WILL HAVE TO PROVIDE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF THEIR DEPENDENCY. However, this will not apply to applicants who were previously granted leave under Appendix EU when they apply for settled status, as they can continue to rely on assumed dependency.
    This is not a particularly surprising decision, though anything that clarifies the EU Settlement Scheme rules is always a good thing for both applicants and practitioners.

  • 24 July 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> High Court finds passport office prevented from refusing passport to person who may not actually be British: Islam, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWHC 1838 (Admin) (17 July 2024) (

    In a really interesting case, the High Court has held that issue “estoppel” prevents His Majesty’s Passport Office from refusing to issue a passport to an applicant, because of a finding made by the First-tier Tribunal that he is, in fact, British, despite the lack of evidence. That case is Islam, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWHC 1838.

  • Приветствую всех,
    С конца июля 2024 года буду публиковать новости и интересную информацию так же в и формате видео.
  • отредактировано 27 июл 2024
    Нужно £88500 чтобы привезти жену/мужа в Великобританию (2024):

  • отредактировано 27 июл 2024
    Нужно £88500 чтобы привезти жену/мужа в Великобританию (2024)
  • Не покидайте Великобританию во время рассмотрения Вашего заявления

    Информация о том, почему нельзя покидать Великобританию во время рассмотрения имимграционного заявления.

  • Информация о ситуации по украинским схемам в Великобритании. Часть 1.
    Делюсь своим опытом по работе с британскими иммиграционными заявлениями моих клиентов.
  • отредактировано 28 июл 2024
    Рассказываю о наших пропусках в Home Office / UK Border Agency для подачи срочных заявлений клиентов.

  • отредактировано 30 июл 2024
    Украинские схемы в Великобритании. Часть 2

    Дополнительная информация по ситуации с украинскими схемами в Великобритании на лето 2024 года.
  • Когда все же можно покидать Великобританию по время рассмотрения заявления в Home Office ?

    Дополнительная информация о том, когда и при каких условиях можно покидать Великобританию после подачи иммиграционного заявления в Home Office.

  • Статус для беженцев с Украины в Великобритании

    Информация о том, какой статус в 2024 году получают граждане Украины, кто попросил убежище в Великобритании

  • 31 July 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Can a Visitor switch into a EU Pre-Settled Status in the UK ?

    The answer is “Yes, on the basis of the current Rules, namely:

    Guidance at page 101 of the EUSS Guidance:

    'For applications decided from 6 October 2021, the requirement not to be in the UK as a visitor was removed from Appendix EU (by virtue of the changes made in Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules: HC 617). This means that applicants are no longer required not to be in the UK as a visitor to qualify for leave under Appendix EU as a joining family member of a relevant sponsor.'

    !!! Note that an switching application must be lodged within 3 months from entry into the UK !!!

  • Ситуация с лицами без иммиграционного статуса с Украины (нелегалы) на лето 2024 года:
  • In a Written Statement made on 30 July 2024, the Home Secretary confirmed that a number of changes introduced by the previous government will continue to be implemented, namely:
    • Restricting most overseas students from bringing family members to the UK.
    • Restricting the ability of care workers and senior care workers to bring dependants with them and requiring all care providers sponsoring migrants to register with the Care Quality Commission.
    • Increasing the general salary threshold for those arriving on Skilled Worker visas by 48% from £26,200 to £38,700.
    • Abolishing the 20% going rate discount so that employers can no longer pay migrants less than UK workers in shortage occupations.
    She also announced:
    • The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) will review the financial requirements in the Family Immigration Rules; the Minimum Income Requirement, currently set at £29,000, will not be changed until the review is complete.
    • Skills England, the Industrial Strategy Council, the Labour Market Advisory Board and MAC will form ‘a new framework to support a coherent approach to skills, migration and labour market policy’. MAC will also be strengthened so it can ‘highlight key sectors where labour market failures mean there is over-reliance on international recruitment’.
    • The measures announced by the previous government on 23 May 2024 regarding the regulation of the recruitment of international students, tougher compliance standards for institutions recruiting students from overseas, and raising of financial maintenance requirements, will be continued.
  • Легализация в Великобритании через ребенка

  • отредактировано 3 авг 2024
    Мое первое иммиграционное заявление в 1993 году (UK)

    Рассказываю о том, как подавались заявление для приезда в Великобританию в далеком 1993 году.

  • Бывают ли фальшивые визы ?

    Рассказываю о случае с которым я столкнулся в прошлом. Одна "юр. фирма" штамповала фальшивые визы.

    Возможно и хорошо что Home Office перешел в свое время на Biometric Residence Permits (BRP) и теперь переходит на полностью цифровые визы.

  • отредактировано 6 авг 2024
    Отсутствовать можно больше - ILR Long Residence (UK)

    Рассказываю об изменениях, произошедших в 2024 года в отношении заявления на ПМЖ (ILR) на основании долгого и легального проживания в Великобритании на протяжении 10 лет.

  • Виза для обеспеченных пенсионеров и работающих гостей.

    Рассказываю о необычных британских визовых категориях, которые были популярны в прошлом.

  • >>> Important information from the Future Borders and Immigration System (FBIS) regarding the eVisa/Digital Status

    'From today (6 August 2024) if people have a biometric residence permit (BRP) that expires on 31 December 2024, they can now create a UKVI account and access their eVisa. They should do this before the expiry date of their BRP. They can use their travel document, such as a passport, or visa application reference number to create their UKVI account if they have lost their BRP card.
    They should only request a replacement BRP if it has been lost or stolen and they have no other form of identity document to create a UKVI account.

    If they cannot see their eVisa details as soon as they create their UKVI account, they do not need to anything. UKVI will contact them directly by email once their eVisa is available to view. They can use their BRP to prove their immigration status until their eVisa details are available.

    For further information please see
  • 08 August 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Changes to the Home Office commercial partner visa application services: Changes to the commercial partner visa application services - GOV.UK (

    From the Home Office:

    "Applications inside the UK

    In Autumn 2024, the commercial partner for UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services will change from Sopra Steria to TLScontact. The exact date will be added to this page in advance.
    You do not need to take any actions.

    This change will not affect:

    • the decision on your application
    • how long it takes to get a decision
    • how many appointments are available

    Applications outside the UK

    Between September 2024 and January 2025, the commercial partner will change from TLScontact to VFS Global in some locations in:

    • Africa
    • Europe
    • the Middle East
    • central Asia

    Other parts of the world are not affected.

    What you need to do

    If your application is affected, you will get emails from TLScontact and VFS Global.

    Read all emails you receive from TLScontact and VFS Global. They may have actions you need to take to continue your application.
    Check your junk folders to make sure you have not missed anything.

    What will not be affected

    These changes will not affect:

    • the decision on your application
    • how long it takes to get a decision

    Locations changing commercial partner


    The visa application centre in Belgium will be operated by VFS Global from 3 September 2024. From this date, you will book your appointment with VFS Global.

    If you have booked an appointment with TLScontact, you should attend it as normal.

    Check your email confirmation for the address of your appointment.

    Other locations

    More locations will be added to this page. Get emails about this page to find out when it is updated.

    Find a visa application centre for opening times, addresses and contact details."

  • Когда нужно обращаться к юристу в контексте британского иммиграционного права.

    Просто и понятно о ситуациях, когда нужно обращаться к юристу по вопросам британского иммиграционного права, визовых заявлений, ПМЖ, гражданства и т.п.

  • 12 August 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Another attempt by the Home Office to clear the Asylum applications backlog:

    “The Home Secretary made a statement to the House of Commons on 22 July on her immediate plans relating to the asylum system, which included action to speed up asylum processing and help clear the backlog. You can read the statement here: Border Security and Asylum - Hansard - UK Parliament

    On 23 July, the Home Secretary laid a Statutory Instrument to remove the retrospective application of the Illegal Migration Act. This enables decision-makers to decide asylum claims from individuals who arrived in the UK from 7 March 2023. This will allow us to begin to restore order to the asylum system and allows us to scale up asylum decision-making.

    All claims will continue to be assessed on an individual basis, in line with published policies. Claims may also be prioritised where appropriate, based on a claimant’s particular circumstances, for example, severe vulnerabilities. Asylum claims lodged on or after 28 June 2022 will be considered against the existing legislative regime under the Nationality and Borders Act 2022. You can find the relevant Immigration Rules at: and the relevant asylum policy guidance at

    We can confirm that asylum interviews will be scheduled, and decision-making can now commence for those who arrived in the UK from 7 March 2023. Operational teams are continuing to work hard to clear claims from individuals awaiting an asylum decision.
    We anticipate that clearing the backlog will help us to deliver savings on asylum hotels and accommodation, delivering better value for money for the taxpayer.

    However, we recognise the pressure, and the impacts placed on a range of external stakeholders, including local authorities and Non-Government Organisations. We are carefully considering how to best prioritise the backlog of asylum claims. We will work in conjunction with stakeholders to prioritise cases most effectively and mitigate any wider impacts, for example with local authorities and reducing the risks of homelessness.”

  • 13 August 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Travel to the UK with a valid national identity card: Eligible EU and EEA EFTA citizens, along with their EU and EEA EFTA citizen family members

    From the Home Office:

    “The Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreement (IMA) is issuing a reminder about the right to travel to the UK with a valid national identity card.

    Eligible EU and EEA EFTA citizens, along with their EU and EEA EFTA citizen family members, can travel to the UK using a valid national identity card. To do so, that identity document should be registered to the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) account they used or created in applying to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

    It is advised that individuals register all their identity travel documents to their UKVI account. Information on who is eligible to travel to the UK with a valid national identity card, and their use at the border, can be found on GOV.UK.

    In previous years; the IMA has been made aware of EU and EEA EFTA citizens, with the right to travel to the UK with a valid national identity card, encountering difficulties with carriers asking them to provide proof of their status under the EUSS or denying boarding where a valid national identity card has been provided rather than a passport.

    Pam Everett, Operations Director for the IMA said, “With the summer holiday season now upon us, we are reassuring eligible citizens that they can travel using a valid national identity card, which they should register to their UKVI account.

    “We are also reminding carriers that they are not currently required to check an EU or EEA EFTA citizen’s immigration status, or their entitlement to travel on a valid national identity card, when deciding whether to bring them to the UK. They only need to check that they have a valid passport or national identity card.
    “We would encourage citizens planning to travel to familiarise themselves with the procedure at the UK border and to be fully aware of their rights when travelling to or from the UK”.

    The IMA would encourage citizens and their family members to contact us via our website or complaints portal if they are experiencing difficulties travelling this summer.”
  • 15 August 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Repeat LATE applications under the EU Settlement Scheme – be careful !

    EU Settlement Scheme: EU, other EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members (accessible) - GOV.UK (

    “Repeat applications

    Where a person has already made an in-time application to the EU Settlement Scheme, and this application has been refused, they will not normally be able to make a late application to the scheme based on there being reasonable grounds for their delay in making their application, as they previously met the deadline applicable to them. Consistent with the Citizens’ Rights Agreements, the decision on their in- time application will have considered whether they qualify for status under the EU Settlement Scheme, subject to any application for appeal or (where the eligible decision was made before 5 October 2023) administrative review.”

  • 22 August 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> Upper Tribunal says that article 8 rights of overseas family members must be considered:

    The Upper Tribunal has said that where family life exists, the Article 8 rights of family members overseas need to be taken into account and it is wrong to focus only on the rights of the UK based sponsor. Following on from that, the refusal to grant entry clearance to a Syrian family was held to be unlawful. The case is Al Hassan (Article 8, entry clearance, KF (Syria)) [2024] UKUT 00234.


    "1. The jurisdiction of the Human Rights Convention is primarily territorial, but as observed in SSHD v Abbas [2017] EWCA Civ 1393, family life is unitary in nature with the consequence that the interference with the family life of one is an interference with the rights of all those within the ambit of the family whose rights are engaged.

    2. Properly interpreted, KF and others (entry clearance, relatives of refugees) Syria [2019] UKUT 413 is not authority for the proposition that it is only a UK based sponsor whose rights are engaged. while the rights of the person or persons in the United Kingdom may well be a starting point, and that there must be an intensive fact-sensitive exercise to decide whether there would be disproportionate interference, it is not correct law to focus exclusively on the sponsor’s rights; to do so risks a failure properly to focus on the family unit as a whole and the rights of all of those concerned, contrary to SSHD v Abbas.”

  • 23 August 2024
    Important UK Immigration News and Updates from the Legal Centre +44 77 911 45 923 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype)

    >>> How does one travel with the eVisa after the 31st December 2024 ?

    As of August 2024, according to ILPA, some carriers (but not ALL yet) are expected to produce Boarding Passes that will be linked to the UK eVisas, from January 2025.

    >>> Visa nationals who have a valid pending application to the EU Settlement Scheme are advised NOT to travel to the UK until their application is granted unless they hold a valid visa or visa exemption document. A Certificate of Application or Acknowledgement of Application is not satisfactory evidence of status".


    >>> Victims of Domestic Violence under the EU Pre-Settled Status

    According to the Home Office, holders of the EU Pre-Settled Status, who become victims of Domestic Violence, may switch into the “UK” Victim of Domestic Violence (VDA) route.

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